Optimal Kurier has been successfully on the road since 1991. Over the years we have built an impressive list of customers ranging from small businesses to large global companies. Each year around 30 subcontract drivers deliver for approximately 500 different companies.
Since 2006 we are ISO 9001 certified for business management. Show [ pdf ] EN ISO 9001 on Wikipedia.
Associates of Optimal Kurier
Reinhard Kuhn
born 30.10.1964
Dipl. Ing Holz- und Kunststofftechnik
For reasons of data privacy we do not publish our customers names in internet. When interested please contact per E-Mail.
Our 25 to 30 subcontract drivers use their own vehicles. This enables us to choose from a pool the right vehicle for the job. Only 1 in 30 applicants fits the bill at Optimal Kurier. The drivers qualifications, knowledge of languages and of course vehicles must all pass the test.
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