
Take the time and inform yourself

The most important documents are downloadable within the pdf format. We regret that some documents we offer for downloading are partly quite germanocentric.

We decided to offer them and translate them as far as possible…

About Optimal Kurier

Offering [pdf 118KB]
The latest offering  - 01/2016
Traffic liablity insurance 2025 (Verkehrshaftungs Police) [pdf 93KB]
Insurance policy for freight forwarding liability 2025
Certificate DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 [pdf 445 KB]
Certificate for an approval of a manangement system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, valid to 31.01.2028
Document to check the statutory minimum wage [pdf 1,2MB]
Our way to show how we deal with withty 2015


National waybill [pdf 256KB]
The latest national waybill
International waybill
[pdf 510KB]
The latest international waybill
Interviewing sheet to apply for subcontractor [pdf 208KB]
Interviewing sheet to apply for subcontractor
Deposit evidence for letter boxes [pdf 100KB]
Optimal Kurier deposit evidence
Certification for professional qualification for road transport [pdf 728KB]
Internal traffic manager for road transport (EG)1071/2009
Comments to the regulationNr 1071/2009 [pdf 612KB]
Some words to come closer to the facts according the regulation (EG)1071/2009

Informations of law

AGB [pdf 16KB]
Actual terms of trade – valid in Europe (German!)
[pdf 312KB]
Actual code of commercial law – only valid in Germany (German!)
HGB full
[pdf 678KB]
Actual code of commercial law / whole text – only valid in Germany (German!)
CMR [pdf 632KB]
Actual terms of the European law for trade and freightforwarding industry – valid in Europe (German!/English translations are to be found in various platforms for free)
Incotherms (International commercial terms)
[pdf 97KB]
Worldwide respected actual terms of trade
Statutory drive and rest periods [pdf 80KB]
Interpretation of europe wide statutory drive and rest periods – valid in Europe (German!/English translations are to be found in various platforms for free)
Interpretation of statutory drive and rest periods [pdf 72KB]
Interpretation of europe wide statutory drive and rest periods – valid in Europe (German!/English translations are to be found in various platforms for free)
Form to mark the statutory drive and rest periods [pdf 212KB]
For vehicles with a gross weight range 2,8-3,49t
Europe wide statutory drive and rest periods – valid in Europe (German!/English translations are to be found in various platforms for free)
Attestation of activities [pdf 21KB]
EU wide valid formular


HGB and CMR [pdf 594KB]
Scheduled comparison of the national and european laws – valid in Germany and Europe (German!)
Freight forwarding business within the HGB
[pdf 312KB]
References of the german nation wide federation BGL (Freight forwarding, logistics and disposal) valid in Germany (German!)
Special and extra drawing rights
[pdf 268KB]
A definition (German! /English translations are to be found in various platforms for free)


Phonetic alphabet [pdf 584KB]
International standards for phonetic abbreviations according to the alphabet


To work within the download documents you need to have the Acrobat Reader.


Tip: You can print every page of our website with the "print" button at the footer. No pictures - black on white.

© 2025 OPTIMAL KURIER Klotz Kuhn GbR - D -71691 Freiberg / N - Phone 049 - (0)7141 - 270272

Optimal Kurier - Certified Management nach ISO 9001

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