KEP together community of interest was founded

Optimal Kurier is involved as a Premium Partner and places the chairman

Press release of the 11th of march 2014

Representatives of the CEP trade found a community of interest


Mörfelden/Frankfurt. On the 8th of march 2014 13 middle class courier and express entrepreneursmet up in Mörfelden/Germany for to found the community of interest. Planning and performing of the courier trade event “KEP together” should be the main topic of the alliance with a  well proven mix of fare and congress. The motto  “made by couriers for couriers”. All members of the alliance advertise and merchandise the “KEP together” as premium partners within their sphere of influence.  Furthermore the alliance wants to introduce itself for fair market conditions. Concrete steps are not yet decided.

The executive council  consists of the chairman Reinhard Kuhn (Optimal Kurier GbR., Freiberg /Neckar) and the speaker Hans Reischer (Hierl&Müller /, Straubing). The sector of exhibitors address and advertisement is managed again by Tino Katzur (TK Vertrieb&Service) and Wolfgang Beecken (Beecken Dialoghouse). The juristic responsibility according the organization and performance is represented by Hierl & Müller GbR. Straubing. The actual 16 members of the community of interest “KEP together” and consistently premium partners are Busch Kurierdienst,, fox-COURIER, FS&K Transporte, Hierl& Müller, KDE Transport, Kowalski Kurier- und Transportservice, Kurierdienst Sobek, Lammers Expresstransporte, LSK Europa Transporte, Luleich Transporte, Optimal Kurier, OX Logistic, RoadRunner Transport, Seeger Kurierdienst, Strauch Kurierdienste LogiStra. The community of interest seeks for more european members to sign in the community for more european internationality.

KEP together is quite a “logistical courier trade event” which is frequently held since 2008 (Fulda), 2010 (Nürburg Ring), 2012 (Leipzig). The next event of the CEP small and medium sized companies is coming in 2015.

KEP together

For further information you  may have a look at


Press releases in march 2014




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