Environment-friendly city logistics

Our "starter" into electro mobilty

“The cargo bike usually creates a stir at  the passers-by” according to Reinhard Kuhn´s speech who has purchased  and  is actually testing this vehicle. When standing at the trafficlights to cross via cycleway other interested Bikers tend to speak to  Reinhard Kuhn from Optimal Kurier to get to know about  driving experience and techniques of the distinctive Electric Cargo Bike with solar supply. Of course the manner of answering uses to be a willing one.

Daily urban and suburban journeys are  possible according  to our researches. This is what we work for. Keeping an eye on the durations within the rush hours, one can be quicker or at least equal and more effective using a cargobike. “There is no fuel needed and zero CO2 emission” Reinhard Kuhn is adding. Over all you are getting fitter.

I Bullit the innovative Cargo Bike by Caro Bike Berlin recommended for professionals by Optimal Kurier

As a brand new pilot project vehicle we have chosen the ExtraEnergy Award Winner of 2012 – the I Bullit Cargo Bike by Cargo Bike Berlin – with an enormous pay load of 100 kg by a range up to 200 km. A powerfull electric motor fully or partial supports the pedal movement of the biker. Because of the clever construction the weight is completely decoupled from the steerance and is not affecting whilst riding. This is why the I Bullit can be conducted safely when completey loaded. First experiences are made within quite a few kilometers in urban and suburban areas. Optimal Kurier is quite satisfied and is looking forward to more road trials on two wheels. One is to be seen whilst the eye catching logos of Optimal Kurier support that.

More infos can be found under www.cargobikeberlin.de 

Introduction of the Cargo Bike of Optimal Kurier in Ludwigsburg

The amusement park “Blühendes Barock Ludwigsburg” has launched an own solar power station for to supply their vehicles and machines with electricity. Therefor Optimal Kurier has decided to introduce the innovative electric cargo bike first among the  pumpkin exhibition 2012 in the park.


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Optimal Kurier - Zertifiziertes Management nach ISO 9001

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